Bird Species at Ben Hur
Bird species likely found on the Ben Hur Ranch compiled by neighbor, Chris Swarth.
Over 50 species on this list either definitely breed or very possibly breed on the Ben Hur ranch. This list is based largely on species seen near Ben Hur (Guadalupe Valley, Yaqui Gulch Rd. ~ 6 miles north).
YR = Year-round resident. Breeds either on the Ranch or nearby.
M = Migrant. Occurs primarily or exclusively during spring and fall migration; most do not over-winter and none would breed locally.
WV = Winter visitant. Occurs from October to May (approximately). These species migrate to our area from distant places (some from AK and BC) or visit the foothills from higher elevation Sierra areas and remain to spend the winter (4+ months).
Su = Summer Only. Also occur during spring and fall, but they come to our area to nest.
Year-round designation does not mean one would see this species daily or even once a month. But at least some individuals in this species are found in our foothill region throughout the year. Many YR species are seen daily (e.g. Acorn Woodpeckers, Scrub Jays, Red-tailed Hawks, Oak Titmouse, quail, and bluebirds).
1. House Finch - YR
2. Canada Geese - YR
3. Wood Duck - YR
4. Mallard - YR
5. Ring-necked Duck - WV
6. California Quail - YR
7. Wild Turkey - YR
8. Great Blue Heron - YR
9. Green Heron - YR
10. Great Egret - WV
11. Turkey Vulture - YR
12. Red-shouldered Hawk - YR
13. Red-tailed Hawk - YR
14. Ferruginous Hawk - WV
15. Cooper’s Hawk - YR
16. Sharp-shinned Hawk - WV
17. Golden Eagle - YR
18. Bald Eagle - WV
19. American Kestrel - YR
20. Peregrine - M
21. Killdeer - YR
22. Barn Owl - YR
23. W. Screech Owl - YR
24. Northern Pygmy Owl- YR
25. Great Horned Owl- YR
26. Anna’s Hummingbird - YR
27. Black-chinned Hummingbird - M
28. Rufous Hummingbird - M
29. Belted Kingfisher - YR
30. Mourning Dove - YR
31. Acorn Woodpecker - YR
32. Northern Flicker - YR
33. Nuttall’s Woodpecker - YR
34. Hairy Woodpecker - YR
35. Downy Woodpecker - YR
36. Red-breasted Sapsucker - WV
37. Lewis’ Woodpecker – M; WV
38. Black Phoebe - YR
39. Say’s Phoebe - WV
40. Ash-throated Flycatcher - Su
41. Western Kingbird - M
42. Pacific Slope Flycatcher - Su
43. Willow Flycatcher - M
44. Western Wood Pewee - M
45. California Scrub-Jay - YR
46. Steller’s Jay - WV
47. Common Raven - YR
48. Common Crow – WV
49. Loggerhead Shrike - YR
50. Phainopepla - M
51. Violet-green Swallow - Su
52. Tree Swallow - Su
53. Cliff Swallow - Su
54. Oak Titmouse - YR
55. Bushtit - YR
56. White-breasted Nuthatch - YR
57. Bewick’s Wren - M
58. House Wren - Su
59. Canyon Wren - YR
60. Ruby-crowned Kinglet - WV
61. Hermit Thrush - WV
62. Western Bluebird - YR
63. American Robin – M; WV
64. Cedar Waxwing - WV
65. Hutton’s Vireo - YR
66. Warbling Vireo - M
67. Audubon’s Warbler - M; WV
68. Orange-crowned Warbler - M
69. Nashville Warbler - M
70. Black-throated Gray Warbler - M
71. Wilson’s Warbler - SO; M
72. Yellow Warbler - M
73. Western Tanager - M
74. Golden-crowned Sparrow - WV
75. White-crowned Sparrow - WV
76. Fox Sparrow – WV
77. Savannah Sparrow - WV
78. Song Sparrow - YR
79. Lincoln’s Sparrow – M; WV
80. Dark-eyed Junco - WV
81. Spotted Towhee - YR
82. California Towhee - YR
83. Black-headed Grosbeak – M; Su
84. Lark Sparrow - YR
85. Lazuli Bunting - Su
86. Red-winged Blackbird - YR
87. Bullock’s Oriole – M; Su
88. Western Meadowlark - YR
89. Lesser Goldfinch - YR
90. Lawrence’s Goldfinch - YR